In Kentucky, we’ve been in the Junior Open Mics since 1:15 PM. The kids do a great job and this is a real highlight of the conVENTion. It is a preview to the future of our art. The one thing I hear most often is how original the kids are. So while we are watching the future stars of ventriloquism, we wanted to share some concepts to help you become more creative,

I’ve asked Steve Petra to provide some clips from his 2013 Lecture “Let’s Get Visual”. In this first clip, Steve reveals how he uses information and fun facts to write routines for his educational shows:

Picking out interesting facts and creating material around them breaks up the monotony of set-up/punch-line jokes.

In the next clip, Steve shares some audience handling techniques inspired by Jeff Dunham. Pay close attention to Steve’s reasoning behind each move. This is solid gold for any ventriloquist – not just kid show workers!

Bothe of these clips are from Steve’s DVD. If you enjoyed them, you can purchase Steve’s “lecture notes” (the whole DVD) on his web site.

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