One of the fun things about the Vent Haven ConVENTion dealers room – you get to pick up and try the puppets, plus see others work their magic with the creations. Tonight I wanted to add a couple of demonstrations to the mix.
Check out the Axtell booth here at the Vent Haven ConVENTion:
If you caught Steve Petra’s lecture, you know this puppet has huge appeal. You can check out all of the variations that Axtell Expressions offers on this character, and order your own, by visiting the Tiger Puppet page at Axtell Expressions.
Bongo The Gorilla Puppet is another of Steve Axtell’s very popular characters. The face is flexible allowing your fingers to create all types of expressions. Check out Bongo the Gorilla here.
Here is another puppet that comes alive in your hands, and it isn’t often seen! Steve Axtell’s new Koala Puppet delights adults and children. Everybody loves a Koala, and now you can add this cute little fellow to your act! To learn more about the Koala, visit Axtell’s Koala Puppet Page!
Also Check Out Axtell’s Latest Products:
The Walking Fred Zombie, The Magic Drawing Board 2, Rocky Fox, Silly Sue, Terry Dactyl, Cluck the Chicken and the Alien.
We’ve had some focus on Comedy Writing during this HomeVENTion, and to continue to improve your skills, the Maher Dialog Plus scripts may be a perfect solution! You’ll see me, Ken and Mark during actual script writing sessions. Watch how the concepts are developed, progress and edit. Each script series contains a creation video to show you the process, three starter scripts you can instantly use, develop and grow into your own creation, and dramatic readings to give you presentation ideas. Check out the Maher Dialog Plus Scripts here!
Another great way to learn the process is to sit down with us and actually develop original material for your show! Custom Script Service is now available at Maher Ventriloquist Studios. For more information on custom script writing, click here.
During the conVENTion, Willie Tyler and Jimmy Nelson were both officially welcomed to the International Ventriloquist Society and presented with their certificates, membership cards and IVS Lapel Pins. Other members include Jeff Dunham, Terry Fator, David Strassman and ventriloquists from over 19 countries. Every other month, the IVS Spotlight, an on-line newsletter is released for members only. It features in-depth video interviews, tips and ideas along with video reports from correspondents in Japan, the U.K., Australia, the Philippines, Germany, and Sweden, with more being added all the time.
If you are not already a member of the IVS, now is the time to sign up – it’s like having a HomeVENTion every other month! Support ventriloquism’s only active International Organization – Click here to join The International Ventriloquist Society!
From 9:30 PM – Midnight – the dealers rooms will be open in Kentucky, and then the conVENTion will be over for another year. Sunday morning ventriloquists will meet for breakfast and say their goodbyes as many head for home.
You’ll be reading their FaceBook posts and comments on forums and blogs over the next few weeks. I hope you’ll share your experiences with the HomeVENTion too. I’ve tried to provide some fun and some educational aspects to this eVENT. Your thoughts and feedback are welcome to help me improve the format and make it better in the future.
Please remember that all prizes will be announced and awarded as soon as possible! Keep checking back to find out who wins great prizes from Maher Studios and Axtell Expressions!
And thus ends the 2014 HomeVENTion…
Thanks for supporting the HomeVENTion. I hope you enjoyed our time together as much as I did!
Tom Crowl
Steve and Al are two of the most creative vents around, both have very quick minds and can ad lib with the best. Steve Axtell makes a whole line of great puppets with great expressions, and reasonably priced.
Home Vention was the next best thing to being there! Thanks Tom for putting this together. I have really enjoyed it.
I think that all the Home Venter’s should stay in touch. If you are not my friend on Facebook, look me up so we can stay in touch. You know who you are, Jeff Duckworth, Andrew Ready, John Morgan, Gary Barlotta and many many more.
Maybe I’ll see you all soon at the Vent Haven ConVENTion.
Thanks for a great homevention! I loved that axtell clip!
This was my first HomeVENTion, and I enjoyed it so much! Very educational and entertaining! I enjoyed it immensely! Thank you for all your hardwork in bringing this spectacular event to us here at home. Wishing everyone at ConVENTion safe travels home! Hope to be worthy to walk among you there someday! <3
Imagine being able to see and play with all those cool puppets! It is so great seeing the Axtell creatures being used, they look amazing on the website but when you see someone using them you realise what incredible creations they really are. Thanks for sharing the video. As for coming to conVENTion – would love to! But thanks to all who’ve made the homeVENTion accessible and fun when it just isn’t possible to get to the real thing.
A big, big thank you to all who made the homeVENTion possible. I appreciate this must be an incredibly busy week, and you have been very generous in taking the time to put together these posts. Thanks to all who participated in the various videos and interviews as well. The video clips really made a big difference to feeling connected to this amazing event. I really hope to one day make it to conVENTion, but in the mean time it has been a lot of fun participating this way. It was really nice to meet you all! If anybody wants to keep in touch my Facebook is
Thanks for a great HomeVENTion. Truly appreciate all the time and effort that has gone into putting this together and make us home-bound vent’s fell a part of this magic weekend. As much fun as it was, I hope NOT to be back next year 🙂 I want to be there having fun and making memories! VentHAVEN 2015, here I come.
Thanks everyone and keep in touch. Look me up on facebook. Or if you can’t find me there, check your newspaper’s Court Date section. I’m likely to be there someday.
Thanks for putting on a great HomeVENTion. Was truly wonderful. However, I hope to NEVER come back. From now on, I want to make sure I’m at the Convention :).