Are you enjoying the HomeVENTion? I really hope so. Today we have another fun game with a chance to win a prize!

You don’t have to print this one out – simply solve the puzzle and email me the answers. Everyone who finishes this puzzle by Sunday July 20 before 3:00 PM EST and emails me, will be entered into another prize drawing!

Crossword Puzzle

Right Click To Save And Print

4) When the voice comes from far away
7) ventriloquist on SOAP
9) Had own theatre in Branson
11) Voice of Tigger
14) Famous ventriloquism course
16) Irving’s Dad
18) Dean of Ventriloquism
19) name of only active ventriloquist association
20) early ventriloquists were called this
21) headliner at 2014 Vent Haven ConVENTion
22) Cowboy Billy’s dad
23) Won America’s Got Talent
24) American ventriloquist big in Australia[/two_columns_1][two_columns_2]DOWN:
1) Deceased, famous figure maker
2) Jeff-fa-fa
3) Francisco’s dad
5) was a question on Jeopardy
6) works with a monkey puppet
8) owned Maher Studios in 1987
10) Shari Lewis’ real name
12) famous figure maker alive today
13) has popular internet ventriloquism course
15) father of Charlie McCarthy
17) owner of ventriloquist central collection[/two_columns_2]

This afternoon, the VH crew will be catching shuttles to see the Vent Haven Museum. I’ll be getting things set up for a special: “Meet Willie Tyler” session at 4:00 PM – then at 7:30 we’ll host an all-star show! You won’t want to miss tonight’s HomeVENTion All Star show either!  I’ll be in touch soon…

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