Tonight at Vent Haven ConVENTion, conventioneers will be get to see live performances by Al Getler, Bob Baker, David Ginn and Margaret Davis. Here are some clips of them for you to enjoy!
MC – Al Getler
Margaret Davis
Magician David Ginn
Bob Baker
Following the show at Vent Haven, at 9:00 PM there will be a special lecture by Jay Johnson. At 10:30 we’ll have open mics and the dealers rooms will be open.
Be In The HomeVENTion Open Mic
If you’d like to perform in tomorrow’s HomeVENTion open mic – include a link to your youTube video in the comments below. Deadline – 10:30 PM (EST) – PLEASE – IT MUST BE YOUR OWN PERFORMANCE VIDEO! Do not submit videos of other vents. Limited to one video submission per person. There will be a prize for the highest rated video!
Remember – Comments must be approved so they won’t appear right away. Only enter once – and make sure to include the link to your Youtube video!
Hi all, here is my submission for the open mic– just a quick joke with Bosworth.
Wish I was there! Please find a link attached for my “homevention open mic” 🙂 link is under the “website” field…
Good stuff!
Appreciate all your hard work on this Tom.
Enjoyed the videos tonight. If anyone is interested, Matt Bailey did an interview with Bob Baker on Bob went into a few more details on what went on behind the scenes of America’s Got Talent. Very fascinating.
Hey Tom not sure my “homevention open mic” link showed up. Here is the same link now in body of text! Thanks !
I’m really enjoying all this. Thanks for doing this for us.
Here is my submission.
I wish I would have known about this sooner. I would have loved to put a video up. If I only knew somewhere to learn some comedy writing. thanks for this opportunity
Hi everyone – this is a video I did this week for my friends on this site, hope you enjoy it! 🙂
Hi guys. Sorry, I know this is a bit past the deadline, but hopefully it reaches Tom Crowl in time. I have quickly shot a little something with my iPhone and it is uploading even as I type. My apologies about the late reply, I mucked up the time differences 🙁 I don’t have an official youtube clip but wanted to be part of the fun so am putting something up just in case I can squeeze in a late entry. If it’s too late, I understand. Thanks.
Here’s my link. Even if I’m too late for the homeVENTion open mic, it’s still a nice way to say “hello” 🙂
D’oh! There was a problem with my youtube clip so I had to remove it and post another one. I know I’m now waaaaaaaay past the deadline so I figure this won’t make it to the homeVENTion open mic, but I’ll list it here anyway as a way of introducing my puppet, Dudley, to you all and being a part of the fun.
Andrew – Please email me the clip link asap!
Thanks, Tom. Have sent you an email.
I posted my video under the wrong post! Leave it to good ol Jeffrey. Hopefully you saw it 🙂 I’ll post here too.
Tried posting and it didn’t work. Going to try again even if it’s too late