Tonight at Vent Haven ConVENTion, conventioneers will be get to see live performances by Al Getler, Bob Baker, David Ginn and Margaret Davis. Here are some clips of them for you to enjoy!

MC – Al Getler

Margaret Davis

Magician David Ginn

Bob Baker

Following the show at Vent Haven, at 9:00 PM there will be a special lecture by Jay Johnson. At 10:30 we’ll have open mics and the dealers rooms will be open.

Be In The HomeVENTion Open Mic

If you’d like to perform in tomorrow’s HomeVENTion open mic – include a link to your youTube video in the comments below. Deadline – 10:30 PM (EST) – PLEASE – IT MUST BE YOUR OWN PERFORMANCE VIDEO! Do not submit videos of other vents. Limited to one video submission per person. There will be a prize for the highest rated video!

Remember – Comments must be approved so they won’t appear right away. Only enter once – and make sure to include the link to your Youtube video!

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