Tonight in Kentucky, we get to see some great ventriloquists work live. Here, we want to take this opportunity to introduce them to you!
MC: Alan Semok
Note: The audio of this video played very low for me. You may need to adjust your speakers.
Lisa Laird
Jimmy Vee
Mike Palma
Following the shows, there will be a comedy writing round table discussion. We’ve got some of the best in the business contributing their ideas to help people find their funny!
After the round table, the dealers rooms will open. If you have anything you are selling, make sure to post on the WorldVENTS list at
Note: HomeVENTion and Tom Crowl are not responsible for any deals made between other parties!
Fun videos. Thanks for sharing them.
Thoroughly enjoyed all the videos, we are missing a great live show! Loved the Alan Semok segment, fascinating and amazing. To everyone performing tonight, break a leg, not a string.
Yes, thanks for the clips. Sure wish I could be there for the comedy writing panels…!
OMG!!!! First off … what a treat to see these talented vents. It was a real joy to see Alan Semok’s work table. But I kept looking at Carla. I was saying to myself … you know … I’ve seen her before. And then the light bulb went off. I remembered seeing her on the TLC special “Dummies.” I thought then what a talent. Now I have found her YouTube channel. What a gift! Thank you.
I can’t believe that everyone gets to see them LIVE! Hopefully one day I’ll be a red dotter!
sure, just makes me feel bad for what I’m missing….
Re Alan Semok – I love seeing video footage of workshops where figures are made. It’s fascinating to see what these guys can do. What a talent. Although I always feel a bit jealous when somebody mentions they bought their first figure in a department store – figures are so hard to get here I had to wait years I was about 16 until I found one. Thanks for sharing this behind the scenes glimpse of the people who make our puppets the wondrous, magical things they are!
Re Jimmy Vee – I really like how he sets up his act by giving a brief intro to the character and sets the scene (met him at Starbucks etc) then he can get straight into the routine. It helped me connect in right from the start.
John, isn’t it amazing to see how far Carla has come? She has definitely kept up with it. I love that she has found her own voice and style. She has a certain style that works just for her and is all her own. Cecil is classic and one of my favorite characters. I had no idea that she had one reproduced, so Mr. Semok did an amazing job.