Did you see this?

Just a quick heads up – my corporate blog published a post on Monday called: What Your favorite Ventriloquist Reveals About You! Make sure to check it out – it is a fun read!  Click above for the link or copy and paste:...

Are you going to be there?

Annie Roberts, from the Vent Haven Museum, asked me to put together some short video promos for the 2015 Vent Haven ConVENTion. Above is the first one. Today I have two things to ask: 1. Are you coming to the Vent Haven ConVENTion this year? Let me know in the...

List of Ventriloquists

I recently added a list of ventriloquists over on my corporate blog. Are you on it? If not, email me with your name and state/country and I will include you when it gets updated. Website links are available to members of the International Ventriloquist...

How was Learn-Ventriloquism created?

Have you ever wondered what goes into the creation of an online course like Learn Ventriloquism? When I first started this course, a lot of people thought I was a techno-wizard. The automated release of the lessons, the videos, the emails, the extras, must be...

R.I.P. Bill Demar

I received a call from Mark Wade earlier today informing me of the passing of Bill Demar, a legend in the world of ventriloquism. Bill’s manipulation skills were amazing. He was truly a gifted ventriloquist. More importantly, he was a sharing, caring man who...