On Tuesday, Ken Groves and I were up early for the drive to Cincinnati. We stopped off to pick up some things along the way – including a very special gift for each attendee – the Clinton Detweiler Tribute Coin. They are gorgeous – just like Clinton’s Hall of Fame coins. These will be given out to people who register. Extras will be available for sale – but there is a very limited number!

After checking into our rooms, Ken & I had lunch with the great man Mark Wade. During lunch we saw a few old friends including Pete Michaels and Mark James. Others are here too, and I hesitate to mention names because I know I will miss someone!

We set the showroom – got the lights, the sound table and a few other things set. Tomorrow morning bright and early we will coordinate the pipe and drape for the stage and wings. As soon as they are in place we can position the speakers and do a sound check. The only thing left will be to make the room pretty. I’ll do lunch with the Learn-Ventriloquism members – and after that start tech-ing the show for Wednesday night.

Hope to meet some of you here![divider_bar]Insert Your Text Here[/divider_bar]

By the way – I received my copy of The Great Lester by David Erskine before I left to come to the conVENTion.  It is incredible.  Click the book cover above to check it out on Amazon.

I also had a chance to look at the new Talking Heads: The Vent Haven Portraits by Matthew Rolston. It is absolutely amazing look at some of the VentHaven Figures by a renown portrait photographer. He will be making a presentation on Friday following Terry Fator’s lecture. Do yourself a favor and get a copy of that book – it will become a collector’s item.