This year my schedule has been extremely hectic between performances, the site here and all of the work I have been putting in over at Maher Studios. Plus I’ve written some eBooks and am working on new product ideas.
In addition to doing the editing and online tech for Dan Horn’s upcoming course, I am also the guy who assembles everything for the IVS SPOTLIGHTS and does all the electronic materials for other Maher Products. (Which is why Maher has been slow lately – Dan’s course and the Spotlights have monopolized my free time.)
Last year, I agreed to host the HomeVENTion by scheduling a series of blog posts to correspond with what was going on in Kentucky. I coordinated all the people, edited many of the videos, wrote and scheduled the posts. It was a ton of work, but the responses that came back made it worthwhile.
This year, I seriously considered dropping the HomeVENTion because my plate is full. However…
In talking with a couple of ventriloquists, I have decided to host it here on the blog again.
Make sure you are signed up for the blog updates. If you aren’t, the sign up is on the upper right column of this page.
And share this news with everyone who loves ventriloquism.
Please share this post on FaceBook, Twitter, in groups and on forums to let everyone know they should sign up for the blog updates now! The HomeVENTion is open to all ventriloquists and lovers of the art – and it is absolutely free. So tell everyone you know:
The HomeVENTion will be available here starting Wednesday, July 15th!
Thanks Tom, you are appreciated. I honestly hope to be there next year. I am in the middle of retirement process now
.lookin foreword to the home venture your extra efforts are appreciated.
Thanks Tom for this fantastic site and all the work you are putting into introducing us to this wonderful art and all the people who love it! Could not be more encouraging for us “newbies”!
Really appreciate it!!
Thank you so much, Tom. I REALLY enjoyed the HomeVention last year. I appreciate it must be a stack of work so would also understand if you couldn’t do it, but am so grateful that you are. I’ve had the date on my calendar since last year!