Clinton Detweiler’s name pops into my mind almost every day. I never met the man in person, but he had a profound impact on my career. When I started in ventriloquism, Clinton ran Maher Studios. I purchased the Maher Course Of Ventriloquism from him, he graded my tests, watched my video, graduated me and gave me advice. He was a supportive, kind and caring man.
After Clinton passed, the community felt the void. He had been instrumental in helping every major ventriloquist today, along with many you may never hear about.
When I was asked to help revive Maher Studios, I was honored to be considered. Each and every day I ask myself if I am doing enough to carry on Clinton’s legacy of helping others. And so with that in mind…
What can I do to help you become the best ventriloquist you can be?
Tom I had the pleasure of knowing Clinton since I was 16, ( I am now 57) . You are correct on your assessment. He was a very good man. He truly cared about the art of ventriloquism an it’s practioners. He also loved his God and strived every day to live a Christian life. I believe that you are honoring Clinton every day in the things that you are are adding to the legacy by recording the vents of the present for those that come behind. You are creating scripts and course to enhance this art form. Yes I know you are not doing this alone , but you are a big part of it. You my friend are continuing the legacy that Clinton continued from mr Fred Maher, and when you turn comes you will pass that legacy on to the next person. (Many many years from now) and that legacy will be better and bigger because of you contributions.
Hey Tom,
To answer your question I think what you’re doing already is helping me (and so many others) to become the best vents we can be. Between the video lessons, the forum, the blog, and all the time you put in to watch our videos and answer our questions, I think you have gone above and beyond. And although I never saw Clinton in action, I think he would have appreciated the work you do here.