This year in Kentucky, everyone is going to learn and laugh with Jeff Dunham! Jeff’s lecture this year is titled: “Ideas For Building Your Show”
One of the coolest things – Jeff usually shares his latest news with us before it is ever released to the public. We knew about his Halloween DVD and saw footage before it was released. We were treated to clips of Achmed Saves America before it was finished. Plus, Jeff shares wisdom gained from his years on stage as the most popular ventriloquist of our day.
My advice – start a coin jar now! Save your money and be with us next year!
BTW – Jeff’s lecture was originally scheduled for today at this time, but he requested we move him to Friday because he was taping on Wednesday and didn’t want to rush in to lecture. What was he taping? Chances are good we will know on Friday! However because Jeff requests we keep certain parts of his talks private – I’m not sure if we will be able to share that information…
Needless to say, if you can see Jeff perform, you need to go. I’ve seen my twice, once in my city and once in his Vegas show. I can’t imagine being able to see a lecture from him. Next year!
I can’t believe the line up at conVENTion this year – amazing!