It is 8:45 PM at the conVENTion and the Wednesday night show has come to a close. Now we’re getting ready for a lecture entitled: “VENT IN CARTOONS” by Richard Leskosky.
We invite you to join in the fun by doing a Google (or Yahoo or Bing) search and seeing how many “ventriloquist cartoons” you can find. Then come back and share a brief description of your favorite in the comment section. We can’t post the pics due to copyright laws, so do your best to describe the funny!
This one caught my attention. Picture a man on a small deserted island with a vent puppet. The man is looking away from the puppet as the puppet says, “Ship ahoy! Ha! Made you look! I thought this was funny.
A dummy is seeing a psychiatrist and is laying down on the couch. He says to the doctor , “Sometimes I hear other voices in my head.”
Paul Winchell and Jerry. Jerry asks ” Why do people think of you only as a ventriloquist and a voice actor? Don’t they known outside created the first artificial heart and other inventions?”
Paul says, ” He’s no dummy.”
A ventriloquist getting out of bed turns to his dummy on the chair and says, ” You were talking in your sleep again.”
A man is sitting on the couch next to his wife with his figure on his knee and says: Listen! He finally said a perfect “B”!