One of my favorite ventriloquists agreed to be interviewed for the International Ventriloquist Society’s Spotlight newsletter. If you aren’t familiar with David Strassman, check out his work through his YouTube Channel!

David and I chatted for almost 30 minutes. He shares an inside look into his life as a performer and the stardom that accompanied his rise to fame. We talked about how he developed his unique style and he shares insights about what his future holds. David even shared some details on his latest project which – well, you’ll want to hear about.

To hear the entire interview, you have to be a member of the International Ventriloquist Society. Honestly, if you are reading this, you obviously have an interest in the art. The I.V.S. is the place to grow, learn and share in the ventriloquist community.

Thanks for watching – and David, thanks again for the interview. I’m a huge fan!

David’s DVD’s are available on Amazon: