Starting today and coming out every Wednesday – the new Ask Tom video series. Each week I will feature a guest’s question and will share my thoughts to help!

In the very first episode of Ask Tom, I answer questions about Paul Zerdin, winner of America’s Got Talent.

(At one point – I accidentally say David when I meant Paul. Duh – but I did not take the time to re-shoot the video because I want these to be spontaneous.)

Want to ask a question? I use SpeakPipe to allow you to record your question right here on the web site. You can click here to go to Ask Tom.

If you are viewing on a phone, you will need to download the app – which doesn’t seem to work with the web browser. To solve that, simply record a message and send it to:

Come on – send me a question. You know you want to!!!

Feel free to leave a note about this episode in the comment section below. One thing I ask – do not slander or insult anyone. All conversations should be conducted with class – just like the person was standing face to face with you. Thanks.