This summer I have been asked to do a workshop at the International Ventriloquist ConVENTion. At first I declined, I’m usually kept busy with the tech side of things. Finally, Mark Wade convinced me. (Ask him where he is hiding my loofas…)
So this summer, I’ll be teaching Ventriloquism FUNdamentals. We get a pretty good number of first timers and people who have no ventriloquism experience. This lecture will be designed to teach them the basics, and help others who want to brush up on their skills.
I have no idea exactly what I will teach. It will depend on the skills of the people attending. My goal is to remain flexible and help, and since I don’t know where they need that help, I have to wait and find out.
If you haven’t made plans yet, the conVENTion is a lot of fun. You’ll feel like a part of the family, guaranteed. To learn more about the Vent Haven ConVENTion, visit here.