It was a late night in Kentucky, so this morning wasn’t scheduled to kick off until 10:00 A.M. That gave people a chance to sleep in, grab a leisurely breakfast and talk with their friends. The newcomers – or Red Dotters have integrated with the old timers and become a part of the family. It is hard to believe we are already on our last day!
This morning, the vents from our International Show will sit down for a group panel discussion hosted by Stevo Schuling. They’ll talk about ventriloquism in their countries and share tales of their shows and careers. It is always an interesting time as we find out more about differences in the cultures.
In keeping with the International flair this morning, I invite you to visit the List of Ventriloquists on my corporate comedy blog. Go down through the countries and find some vents you may not know from somewhere outside of your own country. Then Google them to find a video or web site. (Some already have links – find some that don’t!)
Once you’ve found some information on them, write to them to say hello, introduce yourself and learn more about ventriloquism in their country! (And tell them I said hello!)
When you get a reply – make sure to share the news here in the comments.