For those of you who did not know, this past week has been insane! I am working on and beta-launching a new web site at:
On March 1, I published a new book: Creative Content 101 For Passive Income Information Products on Amazon Kindle.
The book is a guide for creating unique and orginal content. While aimed at passive income information products and courses, the techniques can easily be applied to writing comedy for your act.
I reached out to the ventriloquism community and they responded in an amazing way:
The book made number one on Amazon’s Hot New Releases list!
Amazon launched this book on a promotional special. It started at only .99 cents. On Thursday it climbed to $1.99 and on Sunday evening it will climb to its regular price of $2.99.
If you’ve ever been interested in earning passive income from the Internet – OR – you’d like to learn some cool techniques to spur your creativity, you can still pick up a copy by tonight and save $1!
Again I’d like to publicly thank everyone who purchased the book and left reviews. Thanks for making me number one – even if just for a couple of days!
To get your copy before the price increases, head to Amazon now!