Wally Cady recently left a course quote on the forum of Maher Studios. I appreciate him providing his permission to include it here on the blog!
When I took Tom’s course, in 2012, I was just getting started with one puppet, an inexpensive elf puppet that I bought at a Santa gathering in Santa Claus, Indiana. I posted my graduation video July 3 and found out about the VentHaven ConVENTion later that month. I attended and I met Tom in person as well as Mark Wade and Ken Groves. In August, I bought the Axtell “Mini Moose” which had just been introduced by Steve Axtell. With Tom’s course, I got good with my M’s, so I named my moose…… Maximillian A. Moose.
Max and I performed at the VentHaven ConVENTion last July during Open Mic night. Bill Geist from CBS was doing video interviews during the ConVENTion. Max introduced himself to Bill Geist during our interview. Max’s introduction appeared in Bill Geist’s video report of ventriloquism on the CBS show SUNDAY MORNING. So thank’s to Tom’s course, my M’s made it on TV.
(If the video will not play in your region, it may be seen by Clicking Here!
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