red-dotterRed Dot Orientation

For those unfamiliar with how the HomeVENTion works – all posts, puzzles, games, lectures and articles will release automatically right here. If you are signed up for the blog email updates, you will get an email notice with every new “eVENT”. If you haven’t signed up – what are you waiting for? There is a sign up form at the top of the right hand menu.

Also – don’t forget to make sure you say hello and introduce yourself. Just type your name and city/state in the comment section, along with a brief introduction.

Participation is important if you hope to win any of the prizes.
Plus it makes the HomeVENTion more fun for everyone!

We have three gift certificates from Steve Axtell of Axtell Expressions and several cool prizes from Maher Ventriloquist Studios. The prizes will be announced the week after the HomeVENTion!

Make sure to follow the directions for all puzzles and games if you want to be eligible to win!

Now, I’ve got to run – we’re about to take photos of all of the red-dotters here in Kentucky. Plus – your first HomeVENTion activity will be up at 5:00 – the exact same time we start here in Hebron!

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