Red Dot Orientation
For those unfamiliar with how the HomeVENTion works – all posts, puzzles, games, lectures and articles will release automatically right here. If you are signed up for the blog email updates, you will get an email notice with every new “eVENT”. If you haven’t signed up – what are you waiting for? There is a sign up form at the top of the right hand menu.
Also – don’t forget to make sure you say hello and introduce yourself. Just type your name and city/state in the comment section, along with a brief introduction.
Participation is important if you hope to win any of the prizes.
Plus it makes the HomeVENTion more fun for everyone!
We have three gift certificates from Steve Axtell of Axtell Expressions and several cool prizes from Maher Ventriloquist Studios. The prizes will be announced the week after the HomeVENTion!
Make sure to follow the directions for all puzzles and games if you want to be eligible to win!
Now, I’ve got to run – we’re about to take photos of all of the red-dotters here in Kentucky. Plus – your first HomeVENTion activity will be up at 5:00 – the exact same time we start here in Hebron!
It looks like this is going to be a lot of fun! woo too!
Something to look forward to Joey.
Very excited for the HomeVention, sounds like lots of fun and glad you guys are going the extra mile to make sure those that couldn’t attend feel included. Just curious, anyone know what the term “Red Dot” means?
Hi, Tom Myers aka Carlsbad Santa here participating in HomeVENTion this year from my couch as I recover from knee replacement surgery 3 weeks ago today. So, glad I still at least get to join in the fun via cyber space this year. Love all the work Tom, Ken and Mark have done to incorporate us “homies” into the activities this year, and looking forward to their continued expansion of IVS and the Maher Course. Great work guys!
Hi, I’m Paul Shearer from Norfolk, VA. This HomeVENTion concept is really cool!
Hello All,
This is Eddie Siller from Chino Valley, AZ. I’m a red dotter here and unfortunately have not been a red dotter at Vent Haven yet. And to answer Jeff, a red dotter is a first timer.
Hi, folks. Johnny Lowe, from Clinton, Mississippi.
Even though I can’t be at the convention, at least we can be a fly on our wall and get the skinny on what’s happening there.
Mr. Duckworth asked about the “red dot” — at the convention if you’re a first-time attendee, you’re a “red-dotter,” and a red dot is put on your name tag. That means that people will go out of their way to help you with your questions, etc., about the convention. Of course, they’ll help you anyway, but there you go.
I’M George Bellefeuille was trying to get my ducks in a row to attend the conVENTion this year , but on june 14th my heart decided otherwise – after two attacks I had open heart surgery at the Chicago VA…still in recovery…Tom you Ken and Mark are really working so hard for us “homies” make sure you all get enough rest and enjoy the festivities
Chaplain George & Homer Hallelu’
Jeff – The “Red Dot” refers to first time attendees at the Vent Haven ConVENTion. The first time people come, they may not know anyone. They may not know how things work, or even where things are. The red dot on their name badge helps us identify them. Everyone takes the time to meet and introduce themselves, talk withe them and make them feel welcome. By the time the conVENTion is over, they are part of the family.
Thanks Tom and Johnny for answering my question. I got to get me one of them there red dots in the near future! That’s what I love best about the vent community, they go out of their way to make you feel welcome and help you at every turn.
Hi everyone. I’m Andrew Ready, and I am a children’s ventriloquist in Australia. Thanks to all involved in putting this homeVENTion together. It is a great help for those of us in other countries who would love to be there but practicalities prevent it. I’m looking forward to hearing the lectures etc, but also meeting other vents on these forums.