John S. “Brook” Brooking, President of the Vent Haven Museum, welcomed everyone to the conVENTion before handing over the microphone to Mark Wade, the convention’s executive director. Then it was time for the Big Wednesday Night Show. This year’s scheduled acts include:
MC – Gary Owen, Steve Axtell, Hannah Leskosky and Joe Caffey.
I was unable to find video of Hannah, but she is well known by Vent Haven conVENTioneers. Hannah has participated in Junior open mics for years and last year appeared in the Senior Open Mic. We’ve watched her grow into a beautiful young lady and a very talented ventriloquist. Congrats to Hannah for being on this year’s show!
Hannah Leskosky
Joe Caffey
We hope you enjoyed the HomeVENTion Wednesday night show and that you will stop back when the dealer room opens later tonight.
Loved our show for tonight!