HomeVention-2015-newWhile I was in Kentucky, it was brought to my attention that Nina Cooper was also running a HomeVENTion on the World Vents list.

Last year, Nina handed over the reins to the project because she no longer wanted to run it. Apparently that changed and she never spoke to me to let me know she intended to run it again.

Because of this and my busy performing schedule, I will no longer host HomeVENTions in the future. There is no reason to duplicate the effort.

I truly encourage each of you to start saving now to attend the 2016 Vent Haven ConVENTion. It will be the 40th anniversary and you can bet some of the biggest names in the business will be there! Don’t miss that opportunity to meet the stars and learn from the best to improve and inspire yourself to achieve more with the art.

And now – the blog will shut down for awhile. Matt Bailey has been doing ventriloquist interviews on his podcasts and I see no reason to continue my video interviews here.

Something big will be coming though – so remain signed up for the emails and watch your inbox this fall!