Jay Johnson is about to start his lecture: “Finding Your Voice…and Throwing It!” right now in the main showroom at the ConVENTion.
Don’t forget to sign up for the HomeVENTion Open Mic by commenting with your name and a link to your YouTube performance video! Registration for the open mic will close at 10:30 PM (EST).
Please take a moment to share this post with your friends – Thank You!
Jeff Duckworth, video for open mic: http://youtu.be/-stY76KEn_Y
Really looking forward to the Two and Only. Jay Johnson is the person that got me interested in ventriloquism. His performances on Soap brought me to hysterics when I was a kid.
Ever since “Soap” I have loved watching Jay Johnson! Maybe one day I’ll get to meet him.
I enjoyed your visit with Jay in the showmanship course, which I believe is where these came from. He had great info to impart to us!
One thing — I’m seeing a “Sorry, this video does not exist” for the first video.
That was a video Jay had put up – unfortunately it has been removed. Sorry. His lecture tonight was incredible – as expected. I then got to present him with an honorary membership in the IVS.
Congratulations to Jay on his honorary membership and on the launch of the video! Would have loved to have seen this video, but for those who’ve missed it he has given some great interviews on the ventriloquism weekly podcast.