When I started the Learn-Ventriloquism site, it was my goal to help people become better ventriloquists. I wanted to teach them the proper way to learn the art and provide the tools to help them advance. The basic course teaches the skills and has received incredible reviews. The idea of Master Classes was created to provide advanced learning in certain areas.

One question that came up in many discussions:
How can I improve my showmanship?

Showmanship covers many areas, from the basic script to the final program. It means relating to the audience and drawing them into a well-structured show. It is how you move, how you act, how you interact and every moment from the conception of a performance until the final bow.

I realized I could create a lesson that provides people with methods to improve their performance on-stage. The question for me was, would they listen? So instead, I decided to talk to seven of my friends, each a respected act at the top of their game.

I flew across the country and sat down with each guest to interview them. The results provided over five hours of video on the subject of showmanship. Each video was edited to create fifteen lessons. Every lesson was transcribed to provide written materials that could be reviewed. We even created an eBook of the entire course.

Discussions On Showmanship is now available to the public. It doesn’t matter what your art – ventriloquism, magic, juggling, musician, etc. If you appear on-stage in front of an audience, this course can help you. You will find it at: http://ShowmanshipCourse.com [divider_bar]Insert Your Text Here[/divider_bar]

Attention: Learn-Ventriloquism Members – log-in to this site and visit the heading under Master Class to get your LV Member Discount!