You can learn anything on Youtube.  Unfortunately, what you learn may be wrong.

A recent study showed that Youtube has become the world’s second largest search engine.  People regularly search the video site for the answers to their problems.  If you can imagine it, someone has probably created a video and uploaded it to Youtube.

When I had a computer issue, I typed the problem into Google, and four Youtube videos showed up in the search results.  I watched three of them before deciding they were a waste of time.  The problem is that none of the videos actually answered my question.  Which leads us back to the question…

Can you learn ventriloquism on Youtube?

Yes and no.  Many of the videos available have been created by people trying to optimize their web sites to be found in search results.  Creating a couple of ventriloquism lesson videos helped their site rank higher in search engine results.  Their goal was getting people to the site, and then selling them ventriloquism related products.

Since the ventriloquism lessons were only a means to an end, little actual thought went into their creation.  The quality is usually poor and instructions are often unclear.  The viewer is often provided with information that doesn’t really help them.

Anyone can load a video to Youtube.  Armchair wannabes have added to the confusion.  Friends leave posts about how great the video is and suddenly the videos show up fairly high in the results.  Youtube loves feedback – but this isn’t an SEO tutorial.  (Although you can find some on Youtube.)

If you want to learn ventriloquism, don’t waste your time searching through videos that won’t help for a nugget or two that may.  I guarantee the Learn-Ventriloquism Online Ventriloquism Course will teach you the proper techniques to help you excel as a ventriloquist.  With five free lessons and another five lesson money back guarantee – you have a total of ten lessons to determine if this is the right course for you.