Right now the VH ConVENTioneers are grabbing their puppets and lining up for the group photo outside of the Marriott. So today’s game is going to be two parts!

First – complete the puzzle below:

HomeVENTion 2014 Word Find

You may click the image to save or print it. Mail the completed puzzle and a first class self addressed stamped envelope to me at:

Tom Crowl – P.O. Box 2131 – Westminster, MD. 21158

Everyone who sends a correct puzzle and SASE will receive a gift.
Envelope must be post dated no later than 7/22/2014.

Second – since we’ve had a group photo in Kentucky and didn’t get a chance to see you – comment below with a link to an online picture and we will share your pic in a HomeVENTioneer wrap up! The link must be placed in the comments below. We will grab the picture and share it next week! One picture per person please!

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