Right now the VH ConVENTioneers are grabbing their puppets and lining up for the group photo outside of the Marriott. So today’s game is going to be two parts!
First – complete the puzzle below:
You may click the image to save or print it. Mail the completed puzzle and a first class self addressed stamped envelope to me at:
Tom Crowl – P.O. Box 2131 – Westminster, MD. 21158
Everyone who sends a correct puzzle and SASE will receive a gift.
Envelope must be post dated no later than 7/22/2014.
Second – since we’ve had a group photo in Kentucky and didn’t get a chance to see you – comment below with a link to an online picture and we will share your pic in a HomeVENTioneer wrap up! The link must be placed in the comments below. We will grab the picture and share it next week! One picture per person please!
My photos can be gotten at http://www.wilmaspuppets.com
HomeVENTion is GREAT!!!!! Thanks so much!!!!! I don’t really understand about the “link to an on-line picture” means. I’m putting it on my Profile picture on my facebook page. Since you are my friend on fb I think you can get it from there. Is that okay?
Hi guys. Here is the link to my picture.
Looking forward to seeing you all, especially the rest of us with the grey and white profile silhouette 🙂
I hope I did this right but here are a couple of links to the same picture.
Here you go! Thanks, Tom.
Hmm…looks like the first one didn’t work. Too bad it’s not possible to preview the posts before submitting. Trying more than one:
Here is a link to an online photo of my pal, “Pixi” and I. Thank you so much for letting me share.